Monday, April 16, 2012

Organizations and Unions

One of the resources available to teachers and education students is the support provided by an organization. These professional organizations can provide the member with needed support, resources, information on current events, and many other things. There are quite a few that are applicable to my field. The AERA is the American Educational Research Association. This organization works with the studies and research that are done concerning education. The members pay $150 or $40 if you are a student. The advantages for AERA consist primarily upon the up-to-date data and research available for teachers. Another organization that I found interesting was the NABT, the National Association for Beginning Teachers. This organization was created to give teachers a support during their first few years of teaching. The group enables teachers to join forums, receive advice and ideas, and have access to resources for the classroom. This organization runs through donations and does not have a membership fee. A third organization I am interested in is NCEA, the National Catholic Educators Association. Since I am pursuing a career in religious schools, I am interested in the resources offered by this organization. NCEA provides members with academic, intellectual, and financial opportunities. The cost varies depending on the level of enrollment. Students pay $80 for an individual membership. Teachers may be included in a institutional membership or they may pay $170.
Teaching is a job that is constantly changing and having organizations like the AERA, NABT, and the NCEA are helpful for remaining a current and up-to-date teacher.

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